Match Report

today's match is sponsored by Specialized

Match Report

Match Report
There are a few clouds overhead here at Nuevo Los Pajaritos where Numancia play host to Salamanca. Its a sell-out today with the 21,000 capacity stadium completely full.
Numancia are playing in a 3-4-3 formation while Salamanca appear to be shaped for 4-3-3.

The whistle blows and Numancia get the match underway!
Oscar Hernandez threads the ball through to Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames whips in a cross ball towards Alejandro Cano. Alejandro Cano powers a header at goal. It's a goal!! What a beauty!
Luis José Mari passes the ball forward to Gianfranco Volpi. Gianfranco Volpi lofts in a cross ball towards Urvin Besselink. Urvin Besselink flicks the ball with his head. Volodymyr Kharenko is helpless! The ball slams into the back of the net - goal!!
Leonid Nemoshkalenko catches Craig Mccall on the ankles. The referee calls over Leonid Nemoshkalenko and warns him to calm down! Craig Mccall hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Craig Mccall deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Gianfranco Volpi. Gianfranco Volpi shoots from distance. Magnificent save by Volodymyr Kharenko!
Tonton Gustafsson knocks the ball forward to Leonid Nemoshkalenko. Leonid Nemoshkalenko makes a simple pass to Alejandro Cano. Alejandro Cano knocks in a cross ball towards Halim Mokrani. Halim Mokrani directs the ball goalwards with his head. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Alfredo Nunez knocks the ball to his team mate, Urvin Besselink. Urvin Besselink plays a perfect one-two with Demetrios Xenakis and rushes in on goal... Urvin Besselink makes some space for himself and shoots at goal but somehow Volodymyr Kharenko manages to keep it out.
Demetrios Xenakis barges into Tonton Gustafsson. The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Tonton Gustafsson hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Rodolfo Izquierdo comes in with a late challenge on Alejandro Cano. The referee calls over Rodolfo Izquierdo and shows him a yellow card! Alejandro Cano grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Oscar Hernandez knocks the ball forward to Alejandro Cano. Alejandro Cano knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Miguel Pirri who gathers it comfortably.
The whistle blows and the first half comes to an end!

The whistle blows and Salamanca get the second half underway!
Leonid Nemoshkalenko kicks a strong pass forward to Halim Mokrani. Halim Mokrani knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Leonid Nemoshkalenko threads the ball through to Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Christian Appiah passes the ball forward to Jose Gomez. Jose Gomez flicks the ball to his team mate, Halim Mokrani. Halim Mokrani finds some space and shoots from distance but somehow Miguel Pirri manages to keep it out.
Oscar Hernandez makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Alejandro Cano. Alejandro Cano knocks in a cross ball towards Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames directs the ball goalwards with his head but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Leonid Nemoshkalenko threads the ball through to Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Craig Mccall takes it forward alone. Craig Mccall knocks in a cross ball towards Urvin Besselink. Urvin Besselink flicks the ball with his head. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Christian Appiah controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Yurtcan Abdullah. Yurtcan Abdullah takes it forward alone. Yurtcan Abdullah knocks in a cross ball towards Halim Mokrani. Halim Mokrani directs the ball goalwards with his head. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Yurtcan Abdullah passes the ball forward to Alejandro Cano. Alejandro Cano whips in a cross ball towards Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal but somehow Miguel Pirri manages to keep it out.
Craig Mccall makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Gianfranco Volpi. Gianfranco Volpi makes a probing pass to Demetrios Xenakis. Demetrios Xenakis cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal but connects badly, narrowly missing the linesman!
Jose Gomez makes a simple pass to Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames shoots from distance. Magnificent save by Miguel Pirri!
Craig Mccall catches Jose Gomez on the ankles. Craig Mccall is warned by the referee! Jose Gomez carries on, but is struggling a bit.
Jose Gomez controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames whips in a cross ball towards Alejandro Cano. Alejandro Cano flicks the ball with his head. Miguel Pirri easily smothers it.
Victor Vila knocks the ball forward to Alfredo Nunez. Alfredo Nunez deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Demetrios Xenakis. Demetrios Xenakis shoots from 20 yards but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
Jose Gomez deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Halim Mokrani. Halim Mokrani passes the ball forward to Rodolfo Galadames. Rodolfo Galadames shows great control and tries a shot on goal. Rodolfo Galadames scores for Numancia!!
The referee blows the final whistle

The man of the match was awarded to Halim Mokrani of Numancia

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 4 vs 2
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 8 vs 4
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 1 vs 2
Offsides: 0 vs 0
Fouls: 1 vs 3
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 2
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 61.3333333333333 vs 38.6666666666667
Play Area
Home team third: 26.67%, Midfield: 45.33%, Away team third: 28.00%